Eucharistic Adoration
Sunday 1PM -2PM Adorers are asked to sign their names in the book at the Sacred Heart altar rail. Your prayers give glory to God, present in the Eucharist.
Sacred Heart Novena Start date is 9 days prior to the celebration of the Solemnity.
Weekday Mass Schedule: M,T,Th,F: 6:45am,
Saturday Mass at 5:30PM & Sunday Mass at 12Noon
Novena Prayers will be said at all Masses.
Saint Francis Xavier Novena March 4th – 12th
Weekday Mass Schedule: M,T,Th,F: 6:45am,
Saturday Mass at 5:30PM & Sunday Mass at 12 Noon.
Novena Prayers will be said at all Masses.
A blessing with the relic of St. Francis will be given after
each Mass.